(610) 435-6666 Owners, Location & Address

Located in or near Allentown, PA

(610) 435-6666

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Owner’s Information

Location: Allentown, PA
The phone number 610-435-6666 is located in or around Allentown, PA. This landline number is registered with Verizon Communications. There have been 3 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 0 user comments and it has never been marked as spam. This number has a current spam score of 0%. Below you will find additional detailed information:
question Type: Landline
carrier Carrier: Verizon Communications
County: Lehigh
zipcode ZIP codes: 18032, 18037, 18101 and 18102
gps GPS: 40° 36' 36", -75° 28' 51.99"
Spam Score
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FAQ: Learn more about (610) 435-6666

Which phone carrier is this number registered with?

(610) 435-6666 is registered with Verizon Communications.

What Zip codes does (610) 435-6666 cover?

This number covers 18032, 18037, 18101 and 18102 zip codes.

What type of number is (610) 435-6666?

This phone number is categorized as a landline

What area codes serve nearby areas?

Some nearby areas codes are 215, 267, 302, 410 and 443.

What city or town is (610) 435-6666 located in?

This number is located around Allentown, PA.

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